Wednesday 29 February 2012


Check out our new Maths website. Miss Campbell loves it because you can form line graphs, pictographs and so much more! See "Maths IXL" under the Maths Tool bar.  

Sunday 19 February 2012


We want to know how many times children wash their hands and want to have a count for 3 days. Start counting!
Start from Tuesday morning the 21st February till Thursday night the 23rd February.

Keep a count and post how many times you wash your hands on this blog. Let's hope you do wash your hands after you go to the toliet.

Once we have gathered some data we will then produce graphs to anaylse and make conclusions connecting to our research.

Thanks for helping us!

Friday 17 February 2012


We have been writing about camp. Instead of us writing a little bit about every little thing we did, we decided to write about one thing we did on camp and write it with lots of detail.  We hope we can paint a picture in your head of what happen through these pieces of writing.

Swimming on camp
Shivering at thought of hoping in the pool, I urged myself to hop in.  I jumped into the pool landing with a splash. My lips turned blue like ice as I sprang up and down trying to keep warm. I decided this wasn’t working so I started swimming lengths, and guess what? It worked! 
Just as I started zooming through the water with my friends Ms Simpson called us all in for a game. The goal of the game was to create a whirlpool.  First of we formed a circle. Next we started running round the pool making a current. I started to feel the whirlpool grabbing me but just then Ms Simpson yelled turn around! At first I thought she had gone crazy but soon I realized she wasn’t!
It was a real challenge at first to run against the flow although soon it evened up. Now it’s time for the fun part I thought as I let go of my grip on the floor and got carried by the whirlpool.
That’s how I overcame the cold of the pool at camp and learnt how to make a whirlpool.      
By Jack Poulsen
I was very happy hat mum brought gluten free cake. I was lemon sour cream flavour. Whenever I heard that it we were going to have baking on camp I had big rumbles in my belly.
I felt special that I had gluten free food. My favourite food on camp was the super fantastic lemonade ice blocks. A dinner time we had a bbq. My patties were nice.
After camp I couldnt fit out the door. I had eaten too much.
By Isaac Jestin

X Factor
Walking onto the stage made my tummy tingle as nobody said a word.  Googly eyes stared at us as we taped to the beat of “Moves like Jagger” then the crowd went wild!
In the” We Can “group was Random Regan, Fast Ffion, Talented Taylah and Neat Natalie.  It took a long time to decide the moves, but we knew we had the “mooooves moves like Jagger”.   Regan was our star! 
Our goal was to have our entire group working as one and I am glad we achieved it by helping other people in our group. 
Each group did an amazing job and worked together very well.
 We had a great camp and we hope to do it again!
By Jorja
The Full Moon on Camp
It was a warm night. The full moon had been taped into the black sky especially for camp. It ran with you and seemed to follow you wherever you wen. It wasn’t hard to sleep, only a tingle of light shone in the tens. It cared for us by guiding us to the toilet at night.
That is how the moon was out at camp!
By Isaac Flewers
Camp Comp Food Challenge
My spine shivered as I crept to the desk.  My face went pale as I saw what it was.  I had been the chosen one to attempt the food challenge.  I had to eat raspberry red jelly combined with crunchy carrots and lovely lollies.
I was given the spoon to attack the jelly with.  It didn’t look disgusting at first, but Miss Campbell came and covered it with salt and pepper it was like a thick jelly stew.  I took one last sip or water and I was ready to fight. 
Three, two, one go!  I preserved gulping down the creative combination.  At the end I was bursting for a drink.  I don’t think I’ll ever do this again.       
By Sophie Langtry

As I walked up the spooky gap in the classroom I shock as I had to say my mihi. In front of me looked like a crowed waiting for a band. I got mixed up a little with the words because it was tricky. The camera was staring me in my eye like an eagle staring at its pray so it made it even more scary. Once I finished my mihi I had a smile on my face.
By Isaac Kuyper
Mini Sherlock Homes on Camp
Working as a team we discussed and searched for a really complicated photo.  Searching everywhere like mini Sherlock Homes we try to remember where we seen the photo.  As we stomped into the garden we spotted a white propel on the green shed door. We quickly gazed at are photo then we looked back and it was a perfect match.  As Jade sprinted off to get our next photo it was time to go back.  Room Four quietly sat on the green grass as we waited for the results.  Miss Campbell finished marking as we gazed at her very still she said “The All Blacks won”.  Hearing our teams name been called out was surprising my face turned cherry red and a snazzy smile emerged.  Winning the photo hunt was the best bit about camp I hope we can do it again.
By Madison Tai

Saturday 11 February 2012


We were lucky enough to have a two night camp at school last week.  Here are some of our photos.  We will soon be publishing writing about our camp onto the blog. Watch this space.



Last week we were lucky enough to have a camp at school. Take a look at some of the photos. We will soon be publishing writing about our camp on the blog.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


We have been looking at how we can be determined to achieve our goals in Room 4. Ormie the little pig shows a perfect example of how he doesn't give up. Take a look!