Monday 30 July 2012


This week we have been reading an article about the Olympic's Opening Ceremony.

These are some key words that we discussed:

-urban transformation

Post a comment to explain your understandings for one or more of these words.

Sunday 29 July 2012

Observational Drawings

Room 4 have been doing observational drawings.

We drew athlete's footwear.
We focused on getting the right shape and proportions.


Today we did freeze frames of different Olympic Sports. Can you guess what we were doing?

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Room 4's computers have been changed to laptops.

What Room 4 children think about this:

I like our new laptops because you can take them to your desk and work.
Our laptops are great because it is easy to fit a small group around them.
I like having our laptops because they work faster than usual computers.
There are no cords to get in our way.
They are little which helps us fit our draft book next to our computers.

Wednesday 4 July 2012


Room 4 did fantastic presentations on how to help New Zealand endangered animals.
The children creatively presented their messages through ICT.