Friday 4 May 2012


Our garden is looking fabulous and it is time for us to get eating!
Today we picked broccoli and cauliflower to dunk in dip for an afternoon snack. It was delicious.
We look forward to having leak and potato soup next week. It looks like we might even have our lettuces ready for marmite and lettuce sandwiches.
Our stomachs sure do appreciate having a class garden.
Click on the image below.


  1. The treat our teacher gave us was yummy.I liked the broccoli and dip.

  2. I want some that sounds so delicous. My school has a vege garden but I haven't eaten anything out of it yet. We do have a BLOG. The website is
    In my class there many fimilair names like Maddisen (that's how her name is spelt. There is Lucas,Jordan (but it is a girl)

    Hope you have a wonderful time eating those healthy snacks.

  3. Taylah we can not seem to get onto your blog.


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