Wednesday 18 July 2012


Room 4's computers have been changed to laptops.

What Room 4 children think about this:

I like our new laptops because you can take them to your desk and work.
Our laptops are great because it is easy to fit a small group around them.
I like having our laptops because they work faster than usual computers.
There are no cords to get in our way.
They are little which helps us fit our draft book next to our computers.


  1. Looks like Jade does not want to waste her time on the laptop.

  2. Jade looks like your working hard on the new laptops. It's great to see that you are not wasting your time.

  3. I really like our new laptops because they are fast working and we can take then to our desks and do our writing there

  4. We are very thankful that Miss Campbell our teacher got us these laptops and we are glad that we got this opportunity to use them. So thankyou Miss Campbell for these laptops.

  5. I think you need to thank Mrs Simpson and Mrs Otter instead. Halcombe School is very lucky to have such great ICT tools to help with our learning.


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