Monday 30 July 2012


This week we have been reading an article about the Olympic's Opening Ceremony.

These are some key words that we discussed:

-urban transformation

Post a comment to explain your understandings for one or more of these words.


  1. The word ignited means 'light on fire' Devon

  2. Nominated… means when you are nominated for something e.g. you get nominated to carry the cauldron at the Olympic games. I got nominated to read in assembly. Also you can get nominated for a job.

  3. Reflected means that if you are untidy you show that you are an untidy person and if you are a tidy person you show that you are a tidy person.

  4. My word is torchbeareres
    Tourchbeareres are kids that carry the torches for the olympic teams. These kids are very lucky to have the chance.

  5. Reflected: For example, if Room4 keeps their class neat and tidy then that reflects that we are neat and tidy.

    Nominated: For example, someone would say I nominate Lucy as the head girl for choir.

  6. Great to see you learning such complex vocabulary Room 4. I hope you are enjoying learning about the Olympics, it is very exciting isn't it? Lets hope New Zealand can win some medals soon!

  7. Couldron: The olymipcs torch lights the couldron at the beging of the games it means let the games begin.

  8. Cauldron=
    The Cauldron is a place were you put the torches flame and it carries on through all the games that are played.

    The word ignited means made. For example a flame was ignited by the sun and then is carried on through the games. Like the cauldron carries on through the games.


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